Data Processing Solutions

Book Processing


Hanvon digital library solutions:Digital Library is to collect multimedia information with high-value including images,text,voice,audio,video,software,and other and scientific data.It also organizes normative processing,preservation and high-quality management,implement knowledge appreciation,and provides electronic access services of high-speed transverse cross-database connections on WAN.It also includes intellectual property rights,access rights,data security management,and other areas.In short,with a large scale,the digital library can cross-search of massive amounts of digital information resource base and it can quickly and easily provide the information service mechanism for the readers.The digital library has characteristics with digitalization of collections,computerization of operations,network transferring,liberalization of information storage and resource sharing.

File processing


Archives are the different forms of history records of graphics,audio and video,etc.that are worthy of preservation for state and society.These records are directly formed by the past and present national institutions,social organizations and individuals engaged in the political,military,economic,scientific,technological,cultural,religious and other activities.Compared with the traditional carriers and archives in atomic form,the most important feature in digital form files is the rapid flow through the network.Research and construction of digital archives will completely change the use pattern of the file and break the various limitations of using files,so that archives can change from close to open for government decision-making,business services to achieve"science and technology serves files,archival serves economy."

Digital Archives is a system with the ability to manage digital archives and it is part of a comprehensive archives,which can make round and whole process management to digital file,and be able to provide digital services to the district unit of the file.Digital Archives includes administrative organization,management practices and support of computer network application system which it operates.Through digital archives,archives information value can be fully realized.The construction of Digital Archives will lead to function transformation from comprehensive archive storage and use to information collection,information management and information services.

Newspaper processing

OCR card recognition

English text recognition

Chinese text recognition

Card automatic identification

Card manual identification


Cooperation model:OCR Core authorization/Overall solutions

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